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Municipality of
Municipal Council

Ashley Milligan,
Susan Legouffe,
Director General
James Bujold,
Municipal Inspector
Our Councillors

Margaret Ann Cooke, Seat 1
Tammy Burton, Seat 2
Rickey Barter, Seat 3

Louis Sexton, Seat 4
Kim Barter, Seat 5
Michel Boudreau, Seat 6
Article 15 of the Municipal Ethics and Good Conduct Act states that elected officials must undergo training in ethics and good conduct within six months of the start of their mandate. The purpose of this Act is to ensure that the members of every council of a municipality explicitly adhere to the main ethical values of the municipality, and to provide for the adoption of rules of conduct and the application and enforcement of those rules. I, Susan Legouffe, Municipal Clerk, certify under my oath of office that all elected officials of the Municipality of Cascapedia-St-Jules have taken the aforementioned training.
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