
Municipality of
A word from our mayor

Ashley Milligan, Mayor
Welcome to Cascapedia-St-Jules!
We are pleased to welcome you to Cascapedia-St-Jules a place where rivers meet and people gather in its beautiful summer, fall and winter sceneries. We are a Municipality that cherishes its diversity as we have three distinct cultures Anglophones, Francophones and Mi'Kmaq living and working together to build a Municipality like no other. Our diversity is seen as well in our local small businesses; from specializing in fishing materials, artisans, maintenance and delicious foods.
Cascapedia-St-Jules is a Municipality where friends meet friends. One of the Gaspesie' biggeest festivals the Fall Festival happens here where people gather from far and near for a weekend of laughter, rekindling old friendships, and where families reunite.
¨Community is much more than belonging to something, it's about doing something together that makes belonging matter¨.
~Brian Solis